Friday, October 3, 2014

Gear Haiku: Cheap-Ass Rayovac Keychain Flashlight

Haiku to Rayovac keychain flashlight used for backpacking

Cheap-Ass Rayovac Keychain Flashlight
So rarely sought within the self
Fumbling in the dark

I bought this little LED Rayovac flashlight at a big box store for only a few bucks, and rarely am I able to praise something with such a provenance. I believe you typically get what you pay for, and cheap goods end up being cheap quality (and typically don't do much good for the world as a whole.) While I can't say this little flashlight has done much to help the world, it has undeniably helped me on a daily basis and on every camping and backpacking trip. I have beat the hell out of it, and it still works flawlessly with enough light in its modest 5 lumens to keep me aware of my surroundings or able to locate whatever I've clumsily dropped in a dark place. Its aluminum body weighs very little, and it takes up very little space. It uses one AAA battery, which seems to last forever given the minor power drain of the bulb, and offers convenience given it is the same type used by my headlamp. This little keychain trinket may not have shed much light in terms of spiritual value, but it has greatly benefited my bodily health and safety. 

I only write haikus inspired by gear I use, (mostly) respect, and appreciate having the luxury of owning. I am not paid, compensated, or even given this gear. I purchased all as a regular consumer. I am also not affiliated with any of the retail sites listed below. If that changes in future haikus, I will disclose. 

Where to buy
At big box stores or direct from Rayovac for $4

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